Thursday, August 30, 2018

Review of Pro Solar Hawaii Court Case

Lets get going with this Review of Pro Solar Hawaii court case post. The shortest funniest way to do this is to say that they got their derriere handed to them gift wrapped today. I'd say there is a tear that was shed today.
Review of Pro Solar Hawaii Court Case

Well now, what a special day in court! Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii I'm going to guess is not happy at all after todays court hearing.  There appeared to be extra squirming on his (Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii ) part before and after the Judge made their case against me twice as hard and i would guess twice as expensive for them.

If you have followed my blog as I keep it updated as to what happens as I deal with what i see as the worst solar contractor company on the Big Island of Hawaii, Pro Solar Hawaii.  You know in the case of Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii  vs. Me, I had left off where I filed motions with the court (Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0).   One was the "Motion of Defendant to Strike References to Matters Covered by Rule 408." This goes to Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's claim that my offers of settlement were nothing but an attempt to extort money from them.  Funny thing is that as of today, my first settlement offer would have been cheaper for Pro Solar Hawaii than the amount it's going to be after this and upcoming cases will be in total.  LOL!

Today his Honorable Judge approved my "Motion to Strike References to Matters Covered by Rule 408" -- my settlement offer made at the request of Pro Solar Hawaii.  I'm not a big city lawyer. Nor do I play one on TV. But i am going to go out on a limb and say the part of their lawsuit where they claim "blackmail and extortion" is now out for good.  It was silly for Pro Solar Hawaii to even try.  Although, I do find that they did all kinds of silly things when I hired them. See my post - Pro Solar Hawaii does not know how to read an architect plan I think.

The next beauty handed to Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii is that my "Motion of Defendant to Dismiss Amended Complaint for Failure to Join Necessary Party" produced an order by his Honorable Judge that to be able to sue me, they have to also sue the Better Business Bureau.  By claiming that Thomas Paddock, CEO of Sound Research Corporation, decided not to do business with him based on what the Better Business Bureau posted to their website. The Judge says that the BBB must be sued with me. This is not going to be an easy task for Pro Solar Hawaii. One can easily see that to sue the BBB is going to cost a lot of money. Not only in filing costs, service, etc., but the BBB I'd say are going to call in the big guns from Honolulu. This makes me especially giddy as now I will know exactly why Pro Solar Hawaii lost its BBB accreditation, and that I  had been lied to by Pro Solar Hawaii using the BBB's name.

Review of Pro Solar Hawaii Court Case 1
Pro Solar Hawaii is now in a world of shi-!

I also can't help wondering if Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii bringing the BBB into a lawsuit will keep Ryan Thompson from ever having a business accredited with them ever again?  I can't believe the BBB is going to be too happy to hear that a formerly accredited business is suing them for what they posted to their website.  Truth be told, I truly and honestly do hope that Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii does not decide to drop his case instead of trying to bring the BBB into their  frivolous lawsuit.  It's worth every penny to me just to watch Ryan Thompson in court.

I do have to admit in the spirit of transparency that not all my motions today were granted by the court. My "Motion of Defendant to Dismiss Amended Complaint for Failure to State a Claim Upon Which Relief Can Be Granted, or in the Alternative,  for a More Definitive Statement" was not granted at this point.  Please!  No pity party for me yet, thank you..

 I'm only guessing when I tell you the reason is, it would be moot because the case cannot be moved forward until the BBB is added as a Defendant.  That does not mean it will not be granted later. Pro Solar Hawaii may just decide costs and time are going to be outside their comfort zone.  I do beg them to continue, I really do.  I still have many other things for this case up my sleeve.   I'll bet this case will make one from the TV show LA Law look like a small claims court case from BFE. :)

That is the Review of Pro Solar Hawaii court case. I look forward to seeing just how Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii  decides they want to proceed.

Review of Pro Solar Hawaii Court Case 2

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0

Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0-1

Here is the Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0. Why 2.0 you ask? Well now, If you did not read the last post, you can find it here: Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit Update I did not post brief details of my response there. So, this is the 2.0 update with details missing in the last post.
Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0-2

My response filing, was really a very simple thing. It was basically asking for the same thing i asked for, and the judge ordered in the first place. I mean, "hello people!". In an effort to save everyone involved time in dealing with a case that has no evidence. My response filing is 3 motions. I have no need to respond in the case, there is no real evidence of me doing anything wrong.

 Of course that means appearing in court, again. That really does not bother me much. I get to watch Ryan Thompson squirm. This is something i'm sure i am going to enjoy many more times. As the plaintiff as well as my current defendant position.
Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0-4

One of the motions is a "motion of defendant to strike references to matters covered by rule 408". Rule 408, as i understand it, is basically a rule that says you can't introduce settlement offers as evidence in a case.  This is to get people to try to solve matters between them without going to court. If you could use offers of settlement as evidence, there would be people suing people for all kinds of crazy things. Exactly as i see Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii trying to do to me in this case to cover for the fact that his case is frivolous and not based on any real harm to him, to harass me.

The next is a "motion of defendant to dismiss amended complaint for failure to join necessary party".  Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii says in the complaint that Thomas Paddock CEO of Sound Research Corporation decided not to do business with him based on what the Better Business Beau posted to their website. You can't just sue someone for something they have absolutely no control over in any way. If Thomas Paddock CEO of Sound Research Corporation did read something on the BBB website. The BBB has to be sued also, not just me. Pro Solar Hawaii used to be an accredited business with the BBB... Used to be.

Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update 2.0-3
The final one is a "motion of defendant to dismiss amended complaint for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted or in the alternative for a more definite statement". This is the second time i have had to file this motion. But, because i don't see how, even after the judge ordering "a more definite statement" from Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii, there is a "more definite statement". I am forced to again ask a judge to order Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii to tell me exactly what is wrong that relief can be granted.

At this point if you have been following, it is very easy see how I believe that this is a frivolous lawsuit without any evidence, Still. How this is a reaction of fear on Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's part that Karma's reaction to his extremely and profoundly defamatory publicly posted response to my Yelp review of him is going to ruin him. I posted about this here: Still problems with Pro Solar Hawaii! Give it a read.

Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit
Ok, That's it for... Hold on. I still have a burning question. I am still wondering if Pro Solar Hawaii is now Pro Solar Hawaii & Electrical Contracting? Is this a legal name change? If so, should not Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii now be suing me as Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii & Electrical Contracting? I'm going to put an effort into finding out.

Their website (Pro Solar Hawaii) says Pro Solar Hawaii. But links from there to Yelp, BBB, etc. websites with the name as "Pro Solar Hawaii & Electrical Contracting" Wonder why that is?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit Update

The Pro Solar Hawaii lawsuit update, or is it Pro Solar Hawaii and Electrical Contracting now?  Did the company officially change its name?

Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit Update 1

The latest fiasco in the case is that Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii is making a real sad attempt at showing any evidence in their case.  Let’s face it.  The judge was pretty clear about what was needed to be presented to the court for this frivolous lawsuit to move in any kind of­­­­ a way forward.  You would think that Ryan would be able to provide at least the minimum amount of evidence of what i have done wrong that is even kinda relevant to the case.  I mean c'mon, Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii.

No.  As i see it, I am being sued for something, but that something is not defined in any way. . . not by date, not by what I published that is wrong, bad, slanderous, whatever ya wanna define it as.  The idea of suing someone for something that was not even published at the time the lawsuit was filed is bonkers!  How can you make an allegation and claim damages based on evidence that was not even in existence at the time you filed your suit?
Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit Update 2

This is just the kind of craziness i have had to deal with when I hired Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii to supply and install my complete solar system.  Remember my post "Is your solar contractor lying to you?"?  If not, clicking the link will take you to it. Remember this as you read on. You will see why further down.

Here is a real quote from Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's July 5, 2018 response to clarification order by the judge, " Plaintiff alleges and avers that he performed one hundred percent of the solar panel installation required by the agreement (the only matter left to be completed was a software upgrade so that inverter set points could be performed to make the system HELCO compliant and installation of one part.)"

Wait a second!  That’s a lot different than what you filed last time.

On April 4, 2018 and May 25, 2018 Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii filed with the court this explanation: "Plaintiff alleges and avers that the solar panels and electrical system were installed as per the agreement in the normal course, but it came to light that on or about January 12, 2015 that a microinverter was not working after an inspection of the system by the plaintiff. Plaintiff informed defendant that he would get the needed part and return and fix the system."

LOL, really?  It went from needing to do an inspection to find what was wrong to, It was never completely installed from the time you took the money and said it was 100% installed? See why I said to Remember my post "Is your solar contractor lying to you?"?

Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit Update 3

Something is either 100% installed or, not.  It is definitely not 100% installed if it needs "software upgrade so that inverter set points could be performed to make the system HELCO compliant and installation of one part." . . . no matter how you look at it.

I feel like i have an 8 year old suing me. All I see is a lack of any rational thought, truth, or order by Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii in response to Judge’s order.  A big MAHALO for filing this  Complaint with the court.  It will be helpful for me later, I’m absolutely positive.

As if there is not enough craziness in this case going on in this latest filing, it repeats itself in an incoherent manner, lacking specificity.  The same complaint repeated, just worded differently with no specific details of his allegations.  I can’t seem to find anyone that I’ve shown Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's latest court filing to, who believes this was done in this manner for any other reason but to confuse and maybe hide the fact there is not real evidence of what I am being sued for.

Pro Solar Hawaii Lawsuit Update 4

Well it appears to me, judging by this latest filing by Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii that Pro Solar Hawaii may have changed its name to Pro Solar Hawaii and Electrical Contracting, but Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii is still part of the new name.

More of my opinions of public interest and about my case later.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's lawsuit update

I just want to keep this journal updated for all the followers from the start.

On 4/23/2018 through my attorney I filed what is basicly a motion to dismiss Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's lawsuit against me in part, for this very blog. Maybe you saw the article in the newspaper about It? If not, see my previous post.

On the topic of the newspaper article. I would again like to say "maholo nui loa" to everyone that has offered me an enormous amount of Aloha. The generous support has humbled me beyond the words I have at my disposal to express it. I have learned that the aloha spirit is strong here on the big island of Hawaii. Those of us that are fortunate enough to live here, truly do/should understand why this is paradise.

Stay tuned to learn what happens next in Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii's lawsuit against me.