Have you been treated badly by Ryan Thompson d.b.a Pro Solar Hawaii? I would definitely appreciate hearing your story about it.
I do have a strong suspicion that Ryan Thompson d.b.a Pro Solar Hawaii has other issues than mine going through the courts. I am not 100% sure. I only have a sinking suspicion. This feeling in my gut, if you will. After the way Ryan Thompson d.b.a Pro Solar Hawaii treated me, I'm guessing it's a safe bet there are others out there. I don't know, it could be a TRO (temporary restraining order), A legal case of you suing them or vice versa, a relationship has gone sour, Maybe it's just the way you were treated when they installed a solar system. If you have had unpleasant dealings with them I wanna know about. Heck, maybe we can take my case as a Class Action... My case? Ahhhh, yeah. I will be posting the details shortly in a new post. I am thinking to call it "Pro Solar Hawaii just got their ass handed to them". Stay tuned!
Hit me up and let me know if you have been treated badly by Ryan Thompson d.b.a Pro Solar Hawaii?