It has become apparent to me that I didn't include enough information in my last post. I didn't think to include what it is Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii did to receive the $2500 fine.
So, because I am being asked, let me explain exactly what regulated industries complaint office found that was a violation. In the "settlement before filing of petition for disciplinary action and boards final order" In Section A, Sentence #5 it says they want to go after Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii for violation of Hawaii Revised Statute: 444-25.5 (required disclosures in homeowners contract.)
In addition violations of Hawaii Administrative Rules: 16-77-80 (required information and disclosures in homeowners contract.) Plus, the major blow to Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii, 16-77-97 (poor workmanship). See for yourself it's attached to the blog post.
You're probably asking yourself, what this means? Because I am being asked, let me say I am not a lawyer and the following information is based on a Google search. I may have interpreted it wrong. Here is how I interpret this:
The first 2 violations are pretty self-explanatory. A legal contract between a contractor and a consumer must include explicit "information and disclosures" those disclosures and information were not part of my contract with Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii.
It also says in this "settlement before filing of petition for disciplinary action and boards final order" in Section B Sentance #5, that Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii "acknowledges RICO has sufficient cause to file petition for disciplinary action.." Quick question, how does one with a straight face say, "I didn't do anything wrong but, I acknowledge sufficient cause". How do they expect anyone including themselves, to believe they "did nothing wrong"? Don't you basically admit something is wrong with acknowledgment of sufficient cause?
But, what about the "major blow" to Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii? The violation of 16-77-97 (poor workmanship) statute is due to not doing work based on industry standards. Which, if you read the whole page added above, was my complaint!
In the end, we all know why a bad solar contractor such as Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii took the settlement and paid the $2500 fine. After admitting there is cause to go after him. He could never prove that he did not do anything wrong. A guy spending 1000's trying to drag me through the legal system on a case he has to know he cannot win. Isn't going to be shy about defending one of the many complaints to the Hawaii regulated industries complaint office if he didn't do anything wrong, of course. Yep, mine is not the only complaint, now or, in the past.
Before I continue, I'd like to give a shout out to all the lawyers (mostly mine; Peter L. Steinberg, Attorney at Law), people from all over the world, especially Hawaii, that have contacted my lawyer or me personally with advice, offers to testify against Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii, and support both moral and financial. You really prove this blog is in the public interest. Mahalo Nui Loa!
I'd like to take a moment to add a little something to this post for Ryan Thompson dba Pro Solar Hawaii eyes to read. Dude, your cases are totally screwed! I can only assume by your actions you are not as bright as the rest of the bulbs in the ceiling fan. Every day you don't come to my terms and settle with me, is another day closer to guaranteeing I get awarded the $1,000,000 I am suing you for.