Monday, March 12, 2018

Blog brings down Pro Solar Hawaii, supposedly.

Ryan Thompson of Pro Solar Hawaii is claiming my blog post Review: Pro Solar Hawaii on my other blog: "COMPLETELY COST ME MY BUSINESS" and even was more dramatic by claiming  "I CANT MAKE MONEY".  Well now, isn't that just a crock?  I say there is another reason. I mean other than that I deeply feel that it's Pro Solar Hawaii's business practices that has completely cost him his business.

I did a simple search looking for news on the subject. It appears there is bad news about the solar installs here on the Big Island of Hawaii for 2017.

For example, MICHAEL BRESTOVANSKY  @ Hawaii Tribune-Herald Reports "the Hawaii County Department of Public Works issued 906 permits for photovoltaic solar projects in 2017, a 28 percent drop from the 1,256 issued in 2016." The story found at also reports Peter Shackelford, president of Renewable Energy Services in Honokaa, called 2017 a “survival year,” saying some of his competitors were unable to survive a significant decline in home solar installations.  (full story here)

That would put Pro Solar Hawaii in that category, no? If solar installers that I have not reviewed are not able to drum up business, how is my blog cause in effect? Maybe I just cherry picked a story to prove my point? Let's see:

Julia Pyper @ Reports "Other islands also saw permits plummet year-over-year. Permits fell by 28 percent on Hawaii’s Big Island (from 1,256 in 2016, to 906 in 2017) and by 59 percent on Maui (from 1,657 in 2016, to 676 in 2017). Last year’s total on Maui was down a whopping 80 percent from 2015."  (full story here)

Back in Dec. Mike Munsell, Stephen Lacey @ have a headline on their story that reads: "US Solar Installs Fall to Their Lowest Level Since 2015, as Uncertainty Swirls and Prices Rise" (full story here)

To close. I feel that Pro Solar Hawaii's loss of business is due to solar market trends. Not Pro Solar Hawaii's mean customer's blog.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Did A Pro Solar Company Do You Wrong?

Did A Pro Solar Company Do You Wrong? Did they screw up your install? If so, who do you complain to?

screw installed by Pro Solar Hawaii
I thought that now is a good time to explain briefly just what to do if you feel your solar installer has ripped you off. Here in Hawaii we have THE REGULATED INDUSTRIES COMPLAINTS OFFICE (RICO). Its OK to go to the BBB, and Consumer Protection, But if the value is above a certain amount, you will need to go to (RICO). Sounds like a gangster thing, no?

This is where you file complaints for solar installers. I have filed a complaint against Pro Solar Hawaii here. It is case # CLB-2015-0231-L You will need to document everything and mail it by post to them. They then send you a letter saying that they will accept your case. As your case moves along, you just need to keep them updated..
My Pro Solar Hawaii Install example

Besides just filing there, you also can see all the complaints that have been made against a contractor. Had I known about it before I had hired Pro Solar Hawaii, I would have never done so. But, you need not make the same mistake I did with your solar installer. I may very well save you a lot of time and trouble with this post and advice.

If you want to file against your solar installer as I did Pro Solar Hawaii, You will need to start at:

Hope this post helps.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Pro Solar Hawaii does not know how to read an architect plan I think

I believe Pro Solar Hawaii does not know how to read an architect plan and has horribly poor workmanship.  though I assume you figured this out already.

Below are 2 photos, one is of my house and the other is the  architect's plot plan for installing the solar panels on my house filed with the county. Now before you read on, it is important to note that this is the only architect plan filed for my house for the permit. There are no updates, additions to, or exceptions granted. This plan was designed by a licensed architect with 45+ years experience. soooo, its safe to assume he does know his stuff.  I'm thinking that having that kind of a resume, he is going to design his plan to install solar panels on my house in the best place for my house  and the panels, after doing all the complex math involved. I am going to guess that he was taking into account, structure design of my house, avg. wind speeds for my area, and weight of the panels on my roof, etc., no? Let us not forget that this plan was also approved by a engineer.  That brings us to 2 people that say this is the best way to install my solar panels on my roof.

Now, it appears from the photos that Pro Solar Hawaii is not only a solar installer. No sir. It appears that Pro Solar Hawaii is also licensed architect, engineer and ultimate decider of the best way to install my solar panels on my roof.  Funny thing about that.  Pro Solar Hawaii hired the architect to draw the plans for the permit to install the panels with the county. Why did not the architect just draw the plans the way Pro Solar Hawaii installed the panels???

*pause for contemplation*

Is there a structural reason? Maybe, its only because of panel shading? I can't even pretend to know why the plans were drawn as such, instead of the way Pro Solar Hawaii, as ultimate decider, did install the panels on my house.

Let me throw a theory out there on this. I say, Pro Solar Hawaii only gave a rat's bum about what was the easiest, quickest, way to get these panels on my house, PERIOD! I can't even assume that Ryan Thompson / Pro Solar Hawaii had at any point in time ever had looked at the architect's plan at any point. It is safe to assume the plans were never read if you look above and see the plans, side by side with what is on the house. If the plans were read, how the cucu-caca did the panels end up in the wrong place?? This is the mystery to which Pro Solar Hawaii even denies an issue with it. How can one even see it as, anything but incompetence?

So you think, that I just have not searched.  You would of course be thinking wrong. The plot plan above is the only one I have found in conjunction with my permit. If you have been following me from my very first post - Review: Pro Solar Hawaii  -- you know it is all screwed up on everything they did. If you haven't seen the pics from the first post, I encourge you to just go see the photos.

You really have to ask yourself, "do I want my solar installer to follow the architect plans I paid for, or not". If you go by my experience, Pro Solar Hawaii does not follow the architect's plan at all! In fact, the plan means nothing to them.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Pro Solar Hawaii Yelp From Search Engines

I was sent a message asking me about my claim Ryan Thompson / Pro Solar Hawaii had made defamatory  posts to Yelp about me. I have been advised not to post the screenshots of all of them.  Well, if you don't believe me, How about the search results from Yahoo search on 3/3/2018?

Pro Solar Hawaii Yelp from Yahoo seach result

How about Google? Google has the same info. Only they show that Pro Solar Hawaii is rated 1 star. How can a company that's been in business installing solar systems as long as Pro Solar Hawaii claims, would they have not more stars on yelp??? Maybe because they are not very good at what they do?

Pro Solar Hawaii Yelp from Google seach result

You know its bad when the search engines catch you in your despicable acts. If you are looking to buy a solar system from Pro Solar Hawaii, It has been my experience that if you do not allow Ryan Thompson / Pro Solar Hawaii to lie to you, and try and intimidate you, Ryan will go online and make defamatory comments about you. Its all an effort to intimidate.

Pro Solar Hawaii Defamatory Comment

There are many defamatory comments about me. Instead of posting a lot of redacted posts, I have only posted this one. After all the B.S. lies Ryan Thompson / Pro Solar Hawaii told me, and the fact that the solar install on my house is clearly not correct. I would advice anyone thinking to buy a solar system from Pro Solar Hawaii, To look elsewhere. This is a poorly run solar installer with complaints logged at BBB and The Hawaii Regulated Industries Complaint Office. There are several filed complaints, go see them for yourself. Contact the BBB and ask them why this solar company went from A+ rated to not being accredited? I'm gonna guess its because of the proven lies and unethical business practices by this company.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Pro Solar Hawaii Install Screw Up, No?

The photo below is just one of the screws Pro Solar Hawaii thinks is acceptable to secure my bank of 16 solar panels to my roof. Oh, I am going to show you about that in later posts. But for this post. we are just going to focus for now on this one screw for this part of the post.

Pro Solar Hawaii Workmanship

I am positive that anyone looking at this screw and knowing what it is, what it does, or even what is the load on that screw would think, "that ain't right!". I mean crap. It does not even look to be even in any kind of wood at all, no? Heck, if I'm wrong and it looks like its in wood, feel free to tell me so. I might need to go and get glasses. I definitely need to learn what "in wood means". But as I know "in wood" that means not JUST in the metal of my roof. It appears to me, that Pro Solar Hawaii does not know what "in wood" means. But, wait. Lets look at another photo before I ask you another question.

Pro Solar Hawaii Workmanship Review

Now, I'm not a big city architect or engineer. But I'm guessing every hanger bolt is supposed to penetrate at the center of the purlin and then a minim of 2' into a rafter or truss. On my house, the hanger bolts I'm guessing should have been placed every 48" to correspond to the rafter spacing. On my house, Pro Solar Hawaii put none of the bolts in a rafter. They hang through the purlin into the attic.

So to end this and let you contemplate these photos and the questions I've asked. I say, This is just a very small snapshot of major issues i have with Ryan Thompson / Pro Solar Hawaii, and their workmanship.

More interesting posts coming soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

A journal of dealing with Pro Solar Hawaii from a ripped off customer

Well here we are. This will be my online journal of events as the happen as I move forward with the legal actions against Ryan Thompson and Pro Solar Hawaii. I will be posting a diary of all happenings including videos, photos, information from other public websites about Pro Solar Hawaii.

I would also like to welcome all the followers of my Review: Pro Solar Hawaii posts from my Moving To Hawaii Blog.

I needed to move my posts about issues with Ryan Thompson and Pro Solar Hawaii to a new blog and get back on track with the other one.